Published on March 11, 2003 By Tombala In WinCustomize Talk
I am guessing that I need to be given permission to rate things. I was wondering if I can get it for at least the "CursorXP" section somehow. I have been writing comments for pretty much every cursor there but I would also like to be able to rate the cursors.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 11, 2003
Tombala, I notice that you have indeed commented on a number of Cursors in the past week, but after a quick check, I don't see any comments from you before that.
I suggest you keep it up and continue commenting and you'll eventually get promoted.
on Mar 11, 2003
Aww paxx, you're such a sweetie.

Angel_Wings gives paxx a ten for personality...compassion...and kindness! And of course, being so encouraging and uplifting to people!

Yes, Tombala... I noted that you said on one of radialFX's cursors that you were too busy/lazy to make your own but I still think you should really give it a shot! I'd love to see what you come up with but if I had some constructive criticism I'd be sure to use your cursor for a whole day first to be sure I was accurate.

Your 'critigue' on "Orion's view" seemed a bit harsh to me, as though you hadn't really used it long enough...but I was having a rough week and was/am new to cursorXP and I certainly don't expect flattery just for making a stupid cursor (heck if NOBODY commented complimentary remarks on my stuff that's fine by me) but here's a a silly analogy, if someone told me after just meeting me "Hey, you sure are ugly and you walk funny but you don't dress half bad" I'd feel like, "Hey, not everyone thinks I'm ugly and I don't limp, ...MUCH! But, golly, thanx for telling me I don't dress bad, I think." He-he

But, wise and meaningful critiques are definitely a boon to anyone...especially if they really help. Frogboy and BoXXi gave me invaluable critiques on my wallpaper art before (as well as users just like yourself)...and it was immensely appreciated and helpful.

Tombala, since you seem to enjoy cursorXP so much...if I may make one suggestion? You really should purchase cursorXP plus! It's excellent (only ten bucks) and gives you tons of personal tweaks that you don't get with the freeware version! (Just thought I'd toss that out there).

Anyway, I hope you make apprentice and eventually upload some work of your own for us to enjoy!



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on Mar 11, 2003
You sure beat my messages Shmoopy with that length. I thought I wrote long posts.

True, I sometimes am at a bad day also and might be a little too harsh. Sorry about the Orion incident...

I will try and keep my comments and criticisms at a more professional level.

And for CursorXP, I just might go and but a copy. Would that qualify me for rating?

I really would but CursorXP, but I just have to spare the change to do so...

By the way, (diversion coming up, hold on) I think StarDock needs to fix up DesktopX. It is still very buggy even though it has improved since when I downloaded it some years ago (one of the first, I might add)... Some interesting bugs include:

1. On one machine it worked fine for a few months. Then one day it decided that my themes were not fit anymore. (totally random) I can start a new theme, keep working with it for a while. Then one day it just starts freezing while startup!

2. On another machine, it worked fine for a little while, until I realized everytime it started up, my DVD-ROM and CD-RW drives were going toast! So whenever I want to use it, I would have to uninstall and reinstall the drivers for the two optical drives. Interesting... (not)

Anyway... Back to topic...

As I said, I would love to make some cursors. I just found out that the 3DS Max I have can output PNG animations. So I might do some 3D cursors using that to see if that's any more quicker, as I cannot spend too much time...

As you might have noticed, typing comments is quite easy for me compared to creating graphics. This may just stay as my contribution to the community.


"Make things simple, but not simpler."
-- Einstein --
on Mar 11, 2003
Now offical: I cannot spell buy! (exercise: read above posting and count how many times I misspelled it)
on Mar 11, 2003
Tombala! (Don't get me started posting) hehe! The admins will surely give you demerits for encouraging Shmoopy to post here!

Hmm. Honestly, I don't think a CursorXP plus purchase will get your foot in the rating 'door' so-to-speak...I think you have to purchase at minimum (for rating privileges) "WinCustomize Browser" but it's a very handy tool and well worth the investment (browsing-wise) etc.

The reason I suggested cursorXP plus to you is for the reason that I gather you really want something that suits you on a ‘tweak-able’ type level and you'd probably REALLY love the control and power of cursorXP plus... You can change size, color, transparency, shadows etc. etc.! Did you know you can EVEN change the animation timing and hot spots too (hotspots are where the point of 'activation' takes place on a cursor when hovering). It kicks bootie!

Anyhoo, I'm getting longwinded (big surprise). But, in all honesty...some of your comments on other folks' works DID stick with me...and I liked some of your ideas and found them helpful... I'm over the "orion's view" thing. History! It was my first baby cursor and I was feeling too sensitive and being a baby! Like I said...bad week...sick kitty...long story then add in lack of sleep and you get the idea.

I really do hope you try your hand at it though...because you do have some good ideas and I'd love to see them come to fruition!

Now I must get back to my regular programming (LIFE)!



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